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Coexistence strategy

While watching and recording birds this morning during the Southwest Allen County Christmas Bird Count, I was freshly aware of wildlife going about its existence despite humans being nearby. They have learned a coexistence strategy with us, but, I, wonder, have we done the same in return?

Some of us, the birders and naturalists, celebrate birds for their beauty and tenacity to live lives despite the perils around them.

But do people in general appreciate birds as we should? Or are birds more of a nuisance to be endured? The splatter on a car windscreen, the noise when we’re trying to nap, the fret of one landing on our head.

As for me, give me birds. If they care to land on my head, I’ll reward them with a snack. If they need to poop on my windscreen, I get to go through the carwash again.

As for napping, the chittering of birds helps me doze knowing that more than humans—who are often messier come to think of it—are willing to coexist with me.